Calling all Parents!

Tin Can Bay IGA’s Ruth Steinsch trains Ally Duckworth and Paige Edmonds in the wrapping machine to keep produce well-presented and fresh – the girls also learnt to use the cash register, packing shelves and what goes on behind the scenes
by Principal Desley Kirby, Tin Can Bay P-10 State School
Our P&C is a small but dedicated band of parents, friends and school staff who meet once a month to support the school and its students. They have organised a large number of fundraisers, student discos and provided a fantastic tuckshop service.
Due to changes in family circumstances, the existing President and Vice-President of the P&C have had to withdraw their services. At the next P&C meeting 6pm Tuesday, June 20, these positions must be filled. All parents and caregivers are most welcome to attend and all are encouraged to nominate for these roles at the front counter. Hope to see you there!
Term 2 Community Event
Last month science activities from Prep to Year 10 were showcased. The event was extremely well attended by both staff, students and parents, who got hands-on with boat building, friction tests and science experiments. Thank you to all who helped make the afternoon a huge success.
Student Voice
Students are investigating the possibility of a Canberra trip for Years 7-10 students in 2018, and the provision of more lunch time activities, including a regular gymnastics program. If you are a coach with a Certificate IV in Gymnastics, a Blue Card and the desire to help, please contact the school.
Gympie District Cross Country Results
Well done to all the students who participated, all were well-behaved and ran their hardest on the new course. We have two students selected to compete at the Wide Bay Trials – good luck to Nelson G and Chloe D!
Celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. A colouring-in competition sheet has been sent home to Pre-Year 2 students, while students in Years 3-6 have been invited to enter a poetry competition.