Busy Bees at QCWA
Another month has flown by, pleased to say our Branch is back in full swing and our members are enjoying craft, hoy, and events undertaken by the Branch. Always busy bees.
Congratulations to Gabriella our new Country Kitchen Facilitator, a program to promote heathy eating, future cooking workshops will be held within our community.
Save the date: 11 August 2022, our 100 years celebration to be held at Cathy House.
“Sconeversation”, celebrating 100 years of CWA – birthday morning tea, displays, raffles.
Our country of study this year is Australia, with our International Competition, Creative or painted Tea Towel, Australia’s map depicting the states emblems of flowers and native animals, creative or painted by members. Amazing entries have been received.
We recently took 80 Trauma Teddies, 40 Owls, 400 Icy pole covers, rugs, and preemie baby knitted items to Wishlist Sunshine Coast Hospital Foundation not-for-profit charity, these were much appreciated by the hospital.
Thank you for the generous donations of wool and craft items to our Branch this month. Our project for Wishlist this month is knitted preemie and baby caps.
Come along and see what we do at our craft mornings, pin cushions was the last craft.
Craft $2 Wednesdays 4 and 11 May at CWA Hall 18 Whiting Street from 9.30am
HOY $7 Wednesday 18 May at Cooloola Bowls Club, 9.30 for 10am start
All enquires – President Mrs Wendy Ritchie 0412 547 043