Big Ben was star of the show

Fr Bruce blessing Big ben, with Phil

Fr Bruce blessing Big ben, with Phil

by Margaret Missen and Chappy Ronnie

Good Shepherd  Anglican Church.  Carlo Road

St Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church, Manooka Drive.

Please check the monthly calendar at the back of the paper for service details.

St Francis Day   One of the highlight of the months for the Good Shepherd Community was the celebration of St Francis of Assisi Day, when locals were invited to bring their pets along to church for a blessing.  The roll up was rewarding, with quite a number of animals, bringing their owners along on a lead.  Star of the show was Big Ben who  brought Phil along.

Fr Andrew It was great to have Fr Andrew with us so soon after his return from a month’s holiday overseas.

The inaugural Rainbow Beach Christian Community gathering took place at the Community Centre on Sunday 5 October between 4 & 6pm with a wide range of ages represented.  A vigorous game of soccer was held between the young and not so old with some great moves by Seth Parton and others providing entertainment for the onlookers.   It was a very pleasant way to spend a couple of hours – making new friends and catching up with old ones. Pastor John van der Heijde from the Tin Can Bay Community Church gave a short devotion before we enjoyed a sausage sizzle and cheesecake for the adults and icecream cones for the children.

The next gathering will take place on Sunday 2 November, same time, same place with a game of volleyball for those who feel energetic and a shared meal.  December’s gathering  will be a Christmas Carol service for the whole community on 14 December, starting at 6.30pm with a free sausage sizzle and carols at 7.00pm. Glow sticks will be available for a gold coin donation and we invite the local community to join with us for a celebration of what Christmas is really all about.

Craft Group  This group of very talented people meets on the second and last Tuesdays of the month.  The participants bring along their work and are very happy to share their considerable skills in all areas.  It you are struggling with a knitting pattern, can’t quite work out a crochet pattern, or indeed any other handiwork, there will be someone there to help.  You might even like to come for a cuppa and a chat.

Mahjong  Every Wednesday morning at the Good Shepherd Church. All welcome.

Kindly remember in your prayers our community members who are ill or facing difficulties.  Also pray for the leaders of our country that they may be gifted with the wisdom needed to meet the challenges that face our nation. God Bless.

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