Author Archive

Attention Year 12 Graduates and your parents: I remember when these adults were in preschool. Haven’t they grown? We
The Festival of Small Halls is coming!: The Festival of Small Halls is a series of tours that takes
It’s School Holiday time: As well as Scripture Union’s Rainbow Beach Holiday Program after Christmas, there’s
Shop local and save: Barb Rees Christmas shopping? Uggh!! What a drag! Shopping out of town/online:
Merry Christmas!: Good Shepherd Church Christmas Morning Service time in is 9am, Christmas Day,
Rainbow Beach Delivers International Folk Tour: Rarely do the small halls of Australia have the chance to roll
Fisheries patrol officers to wear body cameras: All Queensland fisheries patrol officers will be required to wear cameras to
Dolphin volunteers ‘watching their back’: by Norma Sanderson, Volunteer What a busy month we have had. Thank
An update from City Farm: Recently,  we planted ten shrubs from City Farm. The timing wasn’t great
Wet weather means more mozzies: The recent wet weather and high levels of rainfall last week may