ArtyBall – an exhibition of fun!

Organiser, Leonie Guerin with Kylie Betteridge’s ‘Andrea’ as Andrew Hawkins auctions each masterpiece
A portrait by Garry Hewitt of local identity Huey, is the 2018 ArtyBall character of Rainbow Beach. Announced at the ArtyBall Ball in the Hall last month, ‘Huey’ was a popular choice, narrowly ahead of ‘The Walking Lady’ Yvonne, by Leonie Guerin, and ‘Walter Dobkins’ by Jim Runnegar.
There were 23 entries in all for the 2018 ArtyBall, all of particular merit and capturing the essence of Rainbow’s characters. The pieces were sold at auction on the night, to an enthusiastic and generous crowd, urged on by auctioneer Andrew Hawkins.
It is intended that many more ArtyBalls will follow. The event was run by the Rainbow Beach Community Centre as a fundraiser for community projects, and was championed by the effervescent Leonie Guerin in a truly impressive performance over the past six months.
Particular support was also provided by Bob Perrett through the ArtyBall shop space at 14 Rainbow, Community News through advertising, and Peggy Phelan through donation of hanging racks.
Community Centre president, Wolf Sievers, sincerely thanked the Rainbow community for its support of the event and said some $4,000 had been raised in total through ticket sales, voting, and auction.
The funds will be used to pursue partnerships for community projects such as bicycle/walking tracks to Carlo and Inskip, beach mats for the mobility impaired, and lighting for the town sporting field.
The Ball in the Hall provided an enjoyable finale to the celebration of Rainbow Beach by the community of Rainbow Beach.