A school song for Rainbow Beach

Congratulations school leaders: Keira Powers, Sonny Bennett, Blake Findlater, James Bergin, Teil Gough, Skye Hanlon, Charlotte Lindenberg and Delilah Young
This time last year I wrote an article for the Community News expressing my thoughts and feelings as to, ‘How great is Rainbow Beach State School’.
I wrote about the rich calibre of students and their families, the well-rounded abilities our students possess, the commitment and expertise of our staff and the value of community support that is afforded to us.
These things combined enabled our school to boast having over 90% of students achieve a ‘C’ or better in English across the school in 2020. A great result that we are proud of, but we aspire to increase this further in 2021 and have shifted our focus to above 80% achieving “B” or better in 2021!
Classes are well and truly into their daily routines and engaged in the curriculum. Please make sure you purchase the year level textbooks from the office to allow for class routines to run smoothly and enable your child to be engaged in relative work.
Parades will be on a Friday morning at 8.30am. We will celebrate what has been happening in the school, remind students and parents what is coming up, and reward our students with certificates to celebrate their hard work through the week.
We have some exciting events coming up in the near future. By the time this goes to print we will have Josh Arnold here to work with our school in creating a school song.
For those not familiar with Josh’s work can I encourage you to take a look at his Youtube channel- ‘Small Town Culture’: youtube.com/user/SmallTownCulture.
We also have signed up for ‘Clean-up Australia Day’ on Friday March 12 and will be taking part in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence on Thursday March 18 a day for schools, students and the community to say ‘Bullying. No Way!’
As I have said many times before, it is the partnership between home and school that makes our school a great success.
Thank you for your continued support.
Announcing school captains
Congratulations to all:
School Captains – James Bergin and Teil Gough
Cultural and Arts Captains – Keira Powers and Skye Hanlon
Cooloola – Charlotte Lindenberg and Delilah Young
Fraser – Blake Findlater and Sonny Bennett
A new committee for the P&C
Thanks to all who attended the AGM today, and to those that signed up to be a member of the P&C, some for the first time!
I am happy to congratulate and report the new Executive Committee as follows;
Jed Elmer (President), Sarah Booth (Vice President), Sandra Lindenberg (Treasurer) and Clay Preston (Secretary).
Sandra thanked Tyla Elmer for everything she has done for the P&C as Secretary, how much she managed to contribute and always with a beautiful smile to boot!
A fantastic start to the year!