36th Annual Bay to Bay trailerable yacht race
The Bay to Bay yacht race has been held annually for the past 35 years and has become somewhat of a sporting institution for the region. The regatta draws around 150 entries with yachts and crews coming from all over Australia.
Importantly, with an average of 4 to 5 crew along with additional support personnel, the regatta brings an influx of around 1000 visitors to the region providing a major injection to local businesses.
Race organisers also draw on a wide range of volunteers and sponsors to help with the successful running of this event, which is also important for enhancing the social fabric of the region.
The size and types of yachts range from the very slick mono- and multi-hulled fliers, capable of speeds in excess of 20 knots, to the ‘mums and dads’ type trailer sailers, ranging in length typically from 16 to 28 feet.
This year the race commences from Tin Can Bay on Saturday, April 30 and races to Garrys Anchorage, and then the next day complete the final leg to Hervey Bay.
The race starts at 11am on the inlet adjacent to the Norman Point rotunda and can be viewed from many vantage points from Tin Can Bay Yacht Club and along the northern foreshore.