surf life saving Archive

Become a Lifesaver!: Come and join a Bronze/SRC camp during the school holidays. The aim
Stay safe this summer!: The beach is absolutely marvellous, but it is also its own master
Brissy lifesavers hit the beach: The Brisbane Lifesaving Service (BLS) recently undertook a week-end of training at
Welcome Jake: Hey Rainbow Beach, My name is Jake, I’ve been a lifeguard for
Become a Nipper, save your life: I will never forget the day one of our international students at
Changing of the guard: Our two outstanding lifeguards, Liam Toohey and Rory Sanders, have been based
The flags are back!: If anything says let’s celebrate our freedom, it’s the lifesaving equipment back
It’s time….ladies and gentlemen: The long awaited surf club extensions are about to become a reality
Lifesavers are volunteers: Most people are aware that the lifesavers you see on the beach
Flags down across Queensland beaches: In consultation with local councils, Surf Life Saving Queensland will move all