Plus an open day for City Farm!

City Farm - Zigzag wattle is in full bloom

Zigzag wattle is in full bloom

There will be an Open Day at City Farm on September 30 to coincide with the Flower Show at the Community Centre. Please join us.

Spring seems to be arriving early and I have noticed some shrubs already in full bloom in early August. Hoveas are small-to-medium, woody, open shrubs with many eye-catching purple pea-flowers occurring in late winter to spring. They can be seen often on roadsides in shady areas with good drainage.

The local hovea is Hovea acutifolia, (Purple Pea Bush), our plant of the month, and like all hoveas is most attractive with its combination of dark green leaves and plentiful colourful flowers. It grows to around two metres. City Farm has plentiful supplies, so consider purchasing one for your garden.

The other shrub is a wattle, Acacia macradenia, a Queenslander that grows well here, but is not native to these parts. It grows to around six metres and has an open, drooping habit.  The common name for this shrub is Zigzag wattle because of the unusual branches which change direction between the leaf nodes, giving a zigzag appearance. So with its bower-like habit and prolific bright yellow flowers, it is another lovely shrub to admire.

Cooloola City Farm, opposite the Community Centre, on Tin Can Bay Road, is open to the public for plant sales on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8am-3pm, 07 54862304,,

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