International Women’s Day

Jess Milne from Soul from the Belly with some of the participants from the International Women’s Day event

Jess Milne from Soul from the Belly with some of the participants from the International Women’s Day event

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney’s quote symbolised the 2017 International Women’s Day celebration, as courage was developed through the vehicle of laughter.

Ever completed a triathlon sitting in your seat while being chased by a shark, having wheels fall off your bike and running up hills in fits of laughter?

Around 20 ladies won gold at the finish line, celebrating with a laughter cocktail and open zipper. Everyone was also given a smile string to take home and wear anytime they need a boost.

After the session, participants described feeling energised, tingly all over, heaps better then when they walked in and just plain happy.

Jess Milne from Soul from the Belly would like to thank all participants who took the time out to attend and make the morning a joyous occasion. “The morning tea spread was delicious, thank you to all who helped out.”

Make dreams into goals, be bold to create change and be the best you can be, but don’t forget to laugh along the way.

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