Attention Year 12 Graduates and your parents

Reminder: it is time for Year 12 graduates to send us your formal photos! Congratulations to Gympie High School graduates Ruby Speed, Cyndari Parton, Jasmin Betteridge, Elizabeth and Nicholas White  Image Kylie Betteridge

Reminder: it is time for Year 12 graduates to send us your formal photos! Congratulations to Gympie High School graduates Ruby Speed, Cyndari Parton, Jasmin Betteridge, Elizabeth and Nicholas White Image Kylie Betteridge

I remember when these adults were in preschool. Haven’t they grown? We are looking forward to seeing graduation photos, plus all the other Year 12s across the coast (Tin Can Bay, Cooloola Cove and Wallu too) in our January edition.

This is the LAST CALL for your formal photos, and few words on what you are up to next year. Whether it be it study, work or a gap year, any Year 12 awards, and your casual or part-time work, please email details  to – or call me and you can answer a few quick questions!

Please send to me as soon as you see this, and definitely by December 11, so I can make sure I have room for all those lovely dresses and smiles.

Also – a shout out to advertisers – we are looking for businesses to sponsor the Year 12 pages. Please call Heatley on 0407 660 198.

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